
Online course

ONLINE COURSE: ''Muscle Chains and Myofascia in Movement'' with ZOE QUEALLY

20-hour training with which you will learn to apply the basic concepts of core assessment and optimisation strategies from a muscle chains perspective. Access to the campus with high quality videos of the techniques.

More information Free webinar with the teacher

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START: September 23, 2024

The course will be available for 18 months from the beginning of the course and you can go through it when you consider it appropriate, at your own pace.


20 hours

The estimated time to complete the course is one month, but you will have it available for 18 months so that you can learn at the pace you want.


Depending on the country where you live, you will have the price in euros or in dollars
125€ / 125$

Don't miss the free teacher webinar and get a discount on this online course!
Click here.


This course is aimed at physiotherapists and physiotherapy students.

  • Notes in PDF format
  • High quality videos
    • Theory videos
    • Videos of practical demonstrations of the techniques
  • Resolution of doubts with the teacher during the 18 months
  • Exam
  • Multi-device access
  • Diploma

Course language
The online course is taught in English

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How does it work?


  • 1. The Core of Movement
    • 1.1. Theory
      • Introduction to Fascia and Muscle chains in movement (I could do this as a free intro video?)
      • The main reference here is the Deep Front Line (DFL) as described by the excellent work of Thomas Myers.
      • The head-to-toe and three-dimensional core
      • The diaphragm and breathing mechanics and their role in core function
      • Spinal and Lumbo-pelvic stability
      • Postural functions of the DFL
      • The implications of the DFL in movement dysfunctions
    • 1.2. Assessment strategies – includes content with a real model
      • Subjective Assessment. What leads me to suspect a problem in the DFL?
      • Posture Assessment and observations – What would make me think there is a DFL problem?
      • Breathing assessment
      • Functional assessment tricks
      • Movement assessment
    • 1.3. Corrective Principals, Proposals and tricks – real cases and exercise class
      • Breathing optimisation
      • Core optimisation
      • Practical class
  • 2. The Back Line in Movement
    • 2.1. Theory
      • Subsystems, Muscle chains, Anatomy trains – an overview of the pertinent important contributory references and terminology
      • Deep longitudinal and Posterior Oblique subsystems
      • Normal function of the back lines
      • Back lines in development
      • How to identify dysfunctions in the back lines
      • Clinical relevance of back line dysfunction
      • The Plantar fascia, Sacral fascia and Suboccipital fascia
      • Myofascial system of spinal extensors – head to tail
      • Understanding muscle chains, resulting dysfunction and compensation patterns – the onion of dysfunction!
      • Common findings and how they relate to specific pathologies
    • 2.2. Practical Assessment
      • Plantar fascia Assessment and intervention
      • Global movement assessment
      • Specific breathing for specific dysfunctions
      • Deep longitudinal vs posterior oblique movement assessment
      • Manual Muscle testing the extensor chain and oblique subsystem
      • Relevant muscle length testing
    • 2.3. Treatment and Intervention suggestions
      • Breathing optimisation specific to altered movement findings
      • Clinical Pilates suggestions
      • Myofascial Activation tricks!



A series of online workshops containing the theoretical concepts of muscle chains and myofascial lines. The theory is bought into real life via muscle and movement assessment strategies which will help you better help your clients with non-optimal movement patterns, which often lead to, or are the cause, of painful pathology.

Regardless of whether you are a movement professional, Physiotherapist or other bodyworker you will gain key knowledge to apply immediately within your working environment. Understanding the root causes behind dysfunctional movement will make providing a solution so much easier using your pre-existing techniques and know-how.



  • To understand and be able to apply the basic concepts of core assessment and optimisation strategies from a muscle chains perspective.
  • To appreciate the fundamental importance of the diaphragm and breathing patterns in the optimal function of the core
  • To take-away some practical exercises and tricks to achieve core and breathing optimisation for your clients



The course is divided into episodes and each one of them forms a lesson.

The lessons consist of a set of videos about the theoretical part and different videos with the practical demonstrations of the techniques.

The student will have access to the course from the date indicated and will have 18 months to complete it. To pass the training, you must watch and study all audiovisual content and pass the final exam.

The course lasts 20 hours, which correspond to the visualization of the different chapters, the study of the notes in PDF format and the completion of the exam. Therefore, the student must carry out active work at home in order to pass the training.


Here's an example of the lessons you'll find on campus:

Finally, in the following tutorial you can see what the platform is like and the sections that make up the course:

Solve doubts with the teacher

Once you have enrolled in the course, you will be able to resolve any doubts that may arise with the teacher.


The best professionals

Zoe Queally

Physiotherapist BSc (hons), Lead Professor for Muscle Chains and Manual Therapy for EUSES Physiotherapy degree at the University of Barcelona, Advanced Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) practitioner and member of the Barcelona teaching team.

Director of Fisioplus Pilates providing education to Physiotherapists, Pilates Instructors and movement professionals throughout Spain and the rest of Europe since 2003. Specialist in the clinical application of Pilates.

Presenter for various international Pilates conferences as the voice of Clinical Pilates expressing the importance of a full evaluation to better understand causes behind movement dysfunctions. 

Don't miss the free teacher webinar and get a discount on this online course!
Click here.

Sign me up

Depending on the country where you live, you will find the course price in euros or in dollars
Course price: 125€ / 125$

Common questions

Yes, the course will be available for 18 months from the start day and you can take it whenever you consider appropriate.

Yes, in addition to the notes in PDF format, the courses include multi-device access videos

Yes, our online training methodology is designed in such a way that once you have enrolled in the course, you can resolve any doubts that may arise with the teacher.


To obtain the diploma after completing the online course, you must:

1. Take a multiple-choice exam (you will have 45 minutes).

2. Obtain a minimum grade of 50/100.

In case of failing the exam, you can take it again after 48 hours (you can only repeat it once). We will notify you by e-mail when this time has elapsed.


No, since we check that you meet one of these requirements before giving you access to the online course.